There was a stage when Timesnow
would tender an apology for it’s mistake. E-mail below is evidence of that.
This channel has since traveled a long distance. There is nothing more
dangerous for a society & country than motivated media. Regardless of the
reach of any particular channel or it’s demented personnel. The fact they have
the means microphone, camera, studio & the Airwaves at their disposal makes
them a very lethal weapon which can cause havoc.
Timesnow has been doing
stellar work in this particular direction. It’s been four and half years since
this channel came under scrutiny for indulging in rumor mongering and selective
targeting of a political party.
Since then 9PM show has been
upgraded from “Prime Time” to “Super Prime Time” only the channel & it’s
personnel know the reasons. Other things that have been given up by this
channel are “Your Channel” “India
wants to know” “India is
asking” India
first” These were clichés used for TRP and TRP gathering only.
Ask public and the unanimous
verdict is No News No substance only Noise and not Thenewshour. Listed below as
the charges against it’s Editor in Chief and the Channel itself.
This list has been compiled for
the readers of this blog post.
1. Muzaffarnagar
2. Gadkari's
complete web expose
3. Judge in
4. Should Ganguly
5. VIP Hatemonger
6. Is Subramanian
Swamy Right
7. Murders At
Breakneck Speed
8. They Fought
Back But We Let Them Down
These were the names used by
Arnab on Thenewshour for what he calls debate.
These charges are very
serious. Arnab till date has not responded to them. Though he demands this of
everyone but does not practice it.
Arnab was also politely
directed by none other than the Prime Minister of India to
Guess even that has had no effect on this
egoistical, self obsessed individual.
riots no FIR was filed against any BJP MLA yet Arnab on Thenewshour continued
to insist on this. He even called names which as a Newscaster is not just
unacceptable, as the editor in chief it is disgraceful. No newscaster has the
right to be sitting on judgment and abusing any individual. No
apology till date.
do not capture the enormity and the impact of what these contrived Noise
Emissions at high decibels do to the selected targets.
The Newshour Debate: Blamegame after Muzaffarnagar violence - Full Debate
case of Mr. Nitin Gadkari a 19 part expose was done by this channel and all
kinds of charges were leveled lynch mobs were gathered in the studio, who
indulged in name calling and defaming Mr. Gadkari without an iota of evidence.
This is definitely not a sign of a responsible Channel or a mature Editor in
chief. No
apology till date.
The Newshour Debate - Gadkari's complete web expose Part 1
The Newshour Debate - Gadkari's complete web expose Part 2
The Newshour Debate - Gadkari's complete web expose Part 3
The Newshour Debate - Gadkari's complete web expose Part 4
Ganguly was subjected to a media trial of the worst kind, without any evidence
to support the charges leveled by Arnab on Thenewshour. This so called debate
was conduct on 3rd December 2013 and on 16th December
2013 on both occasion other than baseless allegation and insinuation, no evidence
was presented in support. This was defaming an Ex judge of Supreme Court. Apology
still awaited.
The Newshour Debate: Judge in scandal - Part 2 (3rd Dec 2013)
The Newshour Debate: Judge in scandal - Part 3 (3rd Dec 2013)
The Newshour Debate: Judge in scandal - Full (3rd Dec 2013)
The Newshour Debate: Should Ganguly stay? - Part 1
(16th Dec 2013)
The Newshour Debate: Should Ganguly stay? - Part 2
(16th Dec 2013)
The Newshour Debate: Should Ganguly stay? - Part 3
(16th Dec 2013)
The Newshour Debate: Should Ganguly stay? - Part 4 (16th Dec 2013)
The Newshour Debate: Should Ganguly stay? - Full (16th Dec 2013)
Arnab on Thenewshour once
again targeted Sangit Som of BJP he called him names on air on prime time.
Tried to preach to the majority of Indians who is Good Hindu and who is an evil
Hindu. Arnab clearly oversteps his
limits when he starts to preach, it’s not for him to tell the public what his
opinion is, as a newscaster he must restrict himself to facts of the events and
nothing more. Apology awaited.
Arnab Goswami of "Times Now" completely exposed
The Newshour Debate: VIP Hatemonger - Full Debate (26th August 2014)
The most brazen case was
when without looking at the facts Arnab on Thenewshour accused Dr. S Swamy of
meddling in the case and even going on to claim Dr. Swamy wanted the convicted
Indian fishermen in Srilanka killed. The facts were opposite of what Arnab
claimed. Fisherfolks were pardoned and released by Srilamka. Arnab’s apology to
Dr.S. Swamy is still awaited.
The Newshour Debate: Is Subramanian Swamy Right - Full Debate (4th Nov 2014)
There were unfortunate
deaths in Chattisgarh post sterilization procedure. Without waiting for facts
or carrying out any investigation what so ever. Arnab went on another of
frenzied trip of defaming Dr. R.K Gupta by calling him Dr. Death. The facts
that emerged later were medicines were contaminated and Dr. R.K Gupta was not
responsible for the death. Arnab defames at will without caring what impact it
has on the individual or his family member. No apology till date.
The Newshour Debate: Murders At Breakneck Speed - Part 1 (13th Nov 2014)
The Newshour Debate: Murders At Breakneck Speed - Part 2 (13th Nov 2014)
The Newshour Debate: Murders At Breakneck Speed - Full
(13th Nov 2014)
Arnab’s obsession with
hashtag to increase visibility on social media, has blinded him to the very
basics of editorial responsibilities. Besides he seems to have made some sort
of a commitment to defame BJP govt at the center and states.
His latest fiasco involved a
couple of girls beating up 2 boys in a moving bus in Haryana, he did not bother
to check facts or question how and who had recorded the video, instead as is
his wont he went hyper, it almost makes us to believe he consumes Viagra for
maintaining his orgasmic state.
Since he broadcasted the video facts have come to light which are presenting a totally different picture to one he presented. Arnab has not had the decency to broadcast the videos which contradict his original story. Arnab does not have the decency to apologize to his victims or to the billion Indians who he has been repeatedly cheating by presenting rumors instead of news.
The Newshour Debate: They Fought Back But We Let Them Down - Full Debate (1st Dec 2014)
Other side of the Rohtak story on which Arnab @Timesnow & @Thenewshour went ballistic. by @DeepikaBhardwaj
FINAL SIDE OF #RohtakBravehearts
Deepika Bhardwaj
Lady who shot #RohtakSisters
video speaks up: NO MOLESTATION happened in d bus. Girls demanded video to be
Not just the above listed
cases, Arnab also went ballistic recently when there was a stand off between the
police and an Ashram in Haryana, Arnab again targeted the BJP state govt. Hon
High Court of Haryana and Punjab commended the
state govt for the restraint exercised and job well done.
Arnab and Timesnow seems to
be on a mission to defame BJP and it’s govt regardless of the facts and their involvement
in the events. Important question that is
now before all of us should a person with so many glaring acts of defamation be
allowed to occupy a position in a so called News channel.
Should the Information and Broadcasting ministry initiate action? Or should it be the Press Council of India or Editor Guild. Strict action and exemplary punishment is what Arnab deserves and should not be denied this for long.
Should the Information and Broadcasting ministry initiate action? Or should it be the Press Council of India or Editor Guild. Strict action and exemplary punishment is what Arnab deserves and should not be denied this for long.
Latest update as on 12th
may 2015
Arnab and
timesnow have done it once again. This channel and man are proving to be a public
menace. Anything inconvenient for bjp is hyped by these two, their sole aim is
to defame the union govt if not state govt by bjp.facts are distorted to such
an extreme extent criminal is presented as the victim and the victim becomes
the criminal in public eye. This is serious bcoz this subverting justice , as
also tampering with material evidence. Prosecution of channel and man is most
urgently required as there are repeated cases of such conduct. Some day some
innocent is going to pay a very high price for the trp lust of arnab and
Written by Mahender Singh Manral | New Delhi | Published on:May 13, 2015 12:44 am
A day after a Traffic Police head constable was arrested and dismissed from service after he threw a brick at a woman, the police probe claims that Head Constable Satish Chand was the first to call the Police Control Room (PCR) at 10.37 am on Monday.
Police sources said he informed the PCR that a woman was caught after she jumped a light and that she was trying to escape after misbehaving with him. Within three minutes, the woman, Ramanjeet Kaur, too made a PCR call alleging that the traffic policeman was misbehaving with her, the sources said.